

英 [ɪn'klu:dɪd]
美 [ɪnˈkludɪd]


  • adj.


  • v.

    包括( include的过去式和过去分词);包含;列入;包住

  • 英英释义

    included[ in'klu:did ]

    • adj.enclosed in the same envelope or package

      "the included check"



    included in被包括;被包容

    included angle坡口角度

    curriculum included课程包括


    1. The bill came to $467, tax included.


    The development of QUADAS: a tool for the quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy included in systematic reviews
    Should fluid dynamics be included in computer models of RF cardiac ablation by irrigated-tip electrodes?
    Pharmacogenomic biomarkers: Interpretation of information included in United States and Japanese drug labels
    A retrospective classification of diagnoses in terms of DSM-5 for patients included in randomized controlled trials of Epidemiology of severe sepsis in the United States: analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated costs of care.
    Variation in Utilization of Computed Tomography Scanning for the Investigation of Minor Head Trauma in Children: A Canadian Experience
    Gaussian basis sets for use in correlated molecular calculations. III. The atoms aluminum through argon
    Hwang, W.L.: Singularity detection and processing with wavelets. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory 38, 617-643
    Singularity detection and processing with wavelets
    Definition of major bleeding in clinical investigations of antihemostatic medicinal products in non‐surgical patients
    下一篇:included angle